hyp7617 发表于 2013-5-15 13:42:19

【Tool】GbxDump 1.48 | GBX文件头信息浏览工具

本帖最后由 hyp7617 于 2013-8-28 22:34 编辑

GbxDump是一个可以读取由NADEO工作室开发游戏的地图、赛道、回放、包、模块和工程中含有gbx的头文件的工具This tool indicate the contents of the file header of Maps, Challenges, Replays, Packs, Blocks and Objects used by the Nadeo game engine (GameBox).


三、由于安装过程没有涉及到发送到桌面快捷方式,所以你需要到(默认安装情况下)C:\Program Files\Electron\GbxDump文件下去运行GbxDump.exe,你也可以右键-发送到桌面快捷方式,方便以后使用。


After installation the context menu of GameBox (Gbx) files has an additional entry "GbxDump". Using this command you can view into this Gbx file.
You can also run the tool from the start menu and open any Gbx file within the program (StartProgramsGbx File Dumper).
Nevertheless, the easiest way is to use drag-and-drop from Microsoft Windows Explorer. Then several files can immediately be analyzed at once.Main features:
- Displays general track properties
- Displays external dependencies
- Displays the author comment
- Shows and exported the thumbnail
- Online interface to the TMX and MX trackbase
- Online interface to the Dedimania records database
Filename: gbxdump 1.46.zip
Filesize: 339 KB
Filetyp: ZIP archive
Release: April 2013
Language: German, English
Games: Nadeo Virtual Skipper, TrackMania, TrackMania 2, ShootMania
OS Versions: Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP/Vista/7/8
What's new in version 1.44?· Now indicates chunk sizes· Better support of unsupported file types· Fixed some bugs (while calculating chunk offsets and reading VSK Replays)· Easier selection of URL's via double click· Reduced binary file size by code refactoring· Reduced the minimum tracking height of the main window
What's new in version 1.45?· Added support of Dedimania for TrackMania Stadium maps
What's new in version 1.46?· Added support of Items· Added support of skin class· Usage of UTF-8 codepage for XML chunks
GBXDump WIKI:http://en.tm-wiki.org/wiki/Gbx

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